The Enterprise Mission

John F. Kennedy's "Grand NASA Plan":

Part II, Page 5
By Richard C. Hoagland

The constellation of Orion, according to most Egyptian mythologists (see "Osiris & The Egyptian Resurrection," E. A. Wallis Budge, 1911), represented in the sky the central figure of the Egyptian pantheon of gods -- the god of "resurrection" -- revered by the Ancient Egyptians as "Osiris."

Previous work (Badawy and Trimble, 1965), as well as Bauval's own 1994 refinements, also demonstrated that key internal passages within the Great Pyramid itself actually (and redundantly!) point directly toward "Osiris" in the sky (see lower right) . . . toward Orion's key belt stars.

Other astronomical connections calculated by Bauval (and apparently confirmed by "robotic" measurements made in 1993 within the Pyramid itself) also directly link the monuments at Giza, particularly the Great Pyramid and Sphinx, to additional specific stars, and two additional crucial constellations: the "dog star," known as "Sirius," (in the constellation, "Canis Major"); and to the "feline" constellation, "Leo."

Remarkably, these additional celestial alignments -- like Orion, most significant when appearing either directly in the center of the sky (at the "meridian"), or when rising or setting on the horizon (below, right) -- converge on the same 10,500 BC time frame.

Sirius, along with Orion/Osiris was, of course, at the heart of not only the Egyptian mythological system -- in the "Isis, Osiris, Horus" triumvirate -- it was literally at the heart of the entire ancient Egyptian calendrical system; the "helical" rising of Sirius at the horizon (see left), just before sunrise (coincident with the rising of the Nile in flood), was a crucial celestial "coincidence" -- which governed (for literally thousands of years) all Egyptian life, physical and spiritual, along the Nile.