The Enterprise Mission

John F. Kennedy's "Grand NASA Plan":

Part II, Page 8
By Richard C. Hoagland

The discovery of this highly documented "paper trail" -- now linking "official, non-sectarian NASA" with a "thousands-of-years-old, dusty religious mythology direct from ancient Egypt(!)" -- began with the "Enterprise" discovery, a few months ago, of a little-known, 1960's official NASA "logo"; this official insignia of NASA's entire Apollo Lunar Program turned out to be also the central figure in the aforementioned Egyptian celestial mythology:

None other than "Osiris" -- the constellation of Orion!

Additional evidence, attesting to the authenticity of this little known historical detail, can be seen in director Ron Howard's recent recreation of the ill-fated mission of "Apollo 13"; in one pivotal scene, just before the astronauts reenter the Earth's atmosphere, two NASA officials are seen having an intense discussion in Mission Control . . . while directly behind them hangs the original, official "Orion" insignia of the whole Apollo Program (see below).

[Curiously, immediately after the Apollo 13 "accident," (see below) NASA quietly changed this official Apollo Program logo -- adding random stars to the existing constellation, thereby cleverly obscuring its direct derivation from "Orion" . . .]

What (the discerning reader might ask) is a mythological Egyptian stellar deity doing, representing an official U.S. governmental exploration of the Moon (and, in a program known under the designation of a Greek "sun god," Apollo; why not the Greek goddess of the Moon, "Diana," for example)?