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COPY Without Files

COPY can also be used without files. The command can, for example, use the same input and output locations used by psql. The special name stdin  represents the psql input, and stdout  represents the psql output. Figure [*] shows how you can use stdin to supply COPY input directly from your keyboard.  

        test=> COPY copytest FROM stdin;
        Enter data to be copied followed by a newline.
        End with a backslash and a period on a line by itself.
        test> 3 77.43   coffee  f 
        test> \. 
        test=> COPY copytest TO stdout; 
        1       23.99   fresh spring water      t
        2       55.23   bottled soda    t
        3       77.43   coffee  f

For clarity, text typed by the user appears in bold. The gaps in the second typed line were generated by pressing the tab key. The user typed \. to exit COPY...FROM. A COPY to stdout  operation displays the COPY output on your screen, which can be useful when using psql in automated scripts. 

Bruce Momjian