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System Tables

A great deal of data is stored in POSTGRESQL system tables. The names of these tables begin with pg_. The tables contain information about data types, functions , operators , databases, users, and groups. Table [*] shows the most commonly used tables.

Table: Commonly used system tables
Table Contents
pg_aggregate aggregates
pg_attribute columns
pg_class tables
pg_database databases
pg_description comments
pg_group groups
pg_index indexes
pg_log transaction status
pg_operator operators 
pg_proc functions 
pg_rewrite rules  and views
pg_shadow users
pg_trigger triggers
pg_type types

The pg_log table is a binary file rather than a real table. The pg_shadow table contains user passwords and is not visible to ordinary users. The pg_user table (not listed in Table [*]) is a view of pg_shadow that does not display the password field. Several other system views are available as well. Most system tables are joined using OIDs  (see Section [*]). Psql's \dS command lists all system tables and views. 

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Bruce Momjian