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Distinct Rows

It is often desirable to return the results of a query with no duplicates. The keyword DISTINCT prevents duplicates from being returned. Figure [*] shows the use of DISTINCT to prevent duplicate states and duplicate city and state combinations.  

        test=> SELECT state FROM friend ORDER BY state;
        (6 rows) 
        test=> SELECT DISTINCT state FROM friend ORDER BY state;
        (4 rows) 
        test=> SELECT DISTINCT city, state FROM friend ORDER BY state, city;
              city       | state 
         Boston          | MA
         Plymouth        | MA
         Cedar Creek     | MD
         Ocean City      | NJ
         Williamsport    | PA
        (5 rows)

Notice that DISTINCT operates only on the columns selected in the query. It does not compare nonselected columns when determining uniqueness. Section [*] explains how counts can be generated for each of the distinct values.  

Bruce Momjian