Avanti Indietro Indice

4. Connection Tracking

4.1 The Idea

We keep track of relationship of packets: `connections'

This applies even to `connectionless' protocols, such as ping and UDP DNS.

It will always be heuristic based: we cannot know what a reasonable delay is.

4.2 The Mechanism

When a packet comes in the LOCAL_OUT or PRE_ROUTING hooks, it indicates what connection it is part of, and how.

Packets get defragmented

It classifies the packet as one of the following:

Under stress, the code will timeout unreplied connections early.

The ip_conntrack module has ip_conntrack_ftp extension (passive and active ftp)

4.3 With Packet Filtering

The `state' packet matching allows you to match based on the conntrack results.

This allows more reasonable UDP filtering, TCP fin-scanning filtering, FTP filtering

eg. the above external->internal 6 rules becomes:

iptables -A external-internal -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A external-internal -j DROP

Effectively, you need only filter on initial (--state NEW) connections.

4.4 Summary

Packet filtering is markedly simplified by connection tracking.

Hopefully people won't screw up ICMP filtering now.

Avanti Indietro Indice                                 LINUXCARE